The Fishy Art by Anne-Catherine Becker-Echivard

Dressing up animals and placing them in a variety of situations is not a new concept. Parisian contemporary artist Anne-Catherine Becker-Echivard does a little more than play with her food.

The artist’s ongoing body of work, known as Les Temps Modernes (translated as Modern Times), presents whimsical scenes featuring actual fish heads, which she later eats. In each eccentric frame, she simulates an absurd dramatization of human activities with the quirky visual aid of fish-headed puppets.

Once she has built her props and set, she buys her ‘models’ from a fishmonger near her home in Berlin, positions them for a photograph – and then eats them for dinner.

About her work, Anne-Catherine Becker-Echivard said:

“It is the perfect recycling of art. Nothing is left over – and I can live from it. I get inspired by all kinds of things from daily TV to newspapers and listening to the radio. It is like a role-play, a fable or tale with a moral at the end in which human caricatures show us an ironic view of our consumer society.”

Becker-Echivard, 42, added that she had been inspired by her childhood hobby – “dressing up mice”.

Anne-Catherine Becker-Echivard Website


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